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  • Writer's picturedominnique Karetsos

Masturbation & Trans Bodies

There is no singular trans experience or trans body. How anyone connects to and relates to their body is individual and valid. ⁠

Experiencing gender dysphoria can influence someone's sexual relationship with themselves and therefore their ability to experience and enjoy pleasure. The decisions people make to feel comfortable in their body are their own and each person's journey is different. ⁠

Whether someone decides to physically transition or not, solo sex can be a helpful and wonderful part of understanding your own body. Without the right resources and information however, this can be a difficult and isolating experience. It is well known that sex education and access for trans folx is severely lacking, even in the basics. This is why in the coming days we will be sharing advice and resources about exploration and pleasure for trans people.⁠

Kenny Ethan Jones

We're so excited to be working with Kenny Ethan Jones, activist and trans model, as he shared with us his own journey of sexual exploration. Emphasising the need to create a judgement-free space (from yourself and others) to find what works for you was a powerful takeaway. Watch the full video of Kenny answering your questions about masturbation as a trans man below.


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